Various functions and objects that we found useful to place here
so all files can share its functionality.
Michele Albach, Parash Rahman, Niko Yasui.
from __future__ import division
from functools import wraps
import math
from cv_bridge.core import CvBridge
import kobuki_msgs.msg as kob_msg
import nav_msgs.msg as nav_msg
import rospy
import sensor_msgs.msg as sens_msg
import sensor_msgs.point_cloud2 as pc2
from turtlesim.msg import Pose
import numpy as np
from time import time
""" topics related to what ROS message type they return
topic_format = {
"/camera/depth/image": sens_msg.Image,
"/camera/depth/points": sens_msg.PointCloud2,
"/camera/ir/image": sens_msg.Image,
"/camera/rgb/image_raw": sens_msg.Image,
"/camera/rgb/image_rect_color": sens_msg.Image,
"/mobile_base/sensors/core": kob_msg.SensorState,
"/mobile_base/sensors/dock_ir": kob_msg.DockInfraRed,
"/mobile_base/sensors/imu_data": sens_msg.Imu,
"/turtle1/pose": Pose,
"/camera/rgb/image_rect_color/compressed": sens_msg.CompressedImage,
"/odom": nav_msg.Odometry,
""" features mapped to their corresponding ROS topic
features = {'core': "/mobile_base/sensors/core",
'ir': "/mobile_base/sensors/dock_ir",
'imu': "/mobile_base/sensors/imu_data",
'image': "/camera/rgb/image_rect_color",
'cimage': "/camera/rgb/image_rect_color/compressed",
'odom': "/odom",
'bias': None,
'bump': None,
'last_action': None,
'pixel_pairs': "/camera/rgb/image_rect_color",
[docs]def decay(base):
"""Yields the base value divided by t each timestep.
Used for decaying parameters (e.g. decaying alpha)
t = 1.0
while True:
yield base / t
t += 1
[docs]def constant(base):
"""Yields a constant value.
Used for constant parameters (e.g. constant alpha)
while True:
yield base
[docs]def softmax(q):
max_q = np.max(q)
exp_q = np.exp(q - max_q)
return exp_q / exp_q.sum()
[docs]def equal_twists(t1, t2):
""" Determines if two Twist actions are equal
t1, t2: the Twist actions in question
return all([np.isclose(t1.linear.x, t2.linear.x),
np.isclose(t1.linear.y, t2.linear.y),
np.isclose(t1.linear.z, t2.linear.z),
np.isclose(t1.angular.x, t2.angular.x),
np.isclose(t1.angular.y, t2.angular.y),
np.isclose(t1.angular.z, t2.angular.z)])
[docs]def action_state_rep(action_space):
""" Creates a function that generates phi (feature rep of state)
based on all other aspects of state (e.g. camera, ir, etc.) and
action_space: a list of all possible actions
def action_state_phi(state, action):
phi = np.zeros(state.size * len(action_space))
for i, current_action in enumerate(action_space):
if equal_twists(action, current_action):
phi[np.arange(i * state.size, (i + 1) * state.size)] = state
return phi
return action_state_phi
[docs]def timing(f):
"""Decorator that print how long a function takes to execute.
def wrap(*args, **kw):
ts = time()
result = f(*args, **kw)
te = time()
# print 'func:%r args:[%r, %r] took: %2.4f sec' % \
# (f.__name__, args, kw, te-ts)
rospy.logdebug('func:%r took: %2.4f sec' % (f.__name__, te-ts))
return result
return wrap
[docs]def overrides(interface_class):
"""Decorator that ensures overriden methods are valid.
interface_class: the respective super class
class ConcreteImplementer(MySuperInterface):
def my_method(self):
print 'hello kitty!'
def overrider(method):
assert(method.__name__ in dir(interface_class))
return method
return overrider
Parsers for easy (but maybe heavy) state creation
[docs]def image_parse(img, enc='passthrough'):
""" Converts a ros image to a numpy array
br = CvBridge()
image = np.asarray(br.imgmsg_to_cv2(img, desired_encoding=enc))
return image
[docs]def pc2_parse(data):
""" PointCloud2 parser
pc2.read_points returns a generator of (x,y,z) tuples
gen = pc2.read_points(data, skip_nans=True, field_names=("x","y","z"))
return list(gen)
[docs]def sensor_state_parse(data):
""" Formats all the sensorimotor data into an appropriate
dictionary with appropriate types
return {
"bump_right": True if data.bumper % 2 else False,
"bump_center": True if data.bumper % 4 > 1 else False,
"bump_left": True if data.bumper >= 4 else False,
"wheeldrop_right": bool(data.WHEEL_DROP_RIGHT),
"wheeldrop_left": bool(data.WHEEL_DROP_LEFT),
"cliff_right": bool(data.CLIFF_RIGHT),
"cliff_center": bool(data.CLIFF_CENTRE),
"cliff_left": bool(data.CLIFF_LEFT),
"ticks_left": data.left_encoder, # number of wheel ticks since
"ticks_right": data.right_encoder, # kobuki turned on; max 65535
# button number
"button": int(math.log(data.buttons, 2)) if data.buttons else 0,
"current_left_mA": data.current[0] * 10,
"current_right_mA": data.current[1] * 10,
"overcurrent_left": True if data.over_current % 2 else False,
"overcurrent_right": True if data.over_current > 2 else False,
"battery_voltage": data.battery * 0.1,
"bottom_dist_left": data.bottom[2], # cliff PSD sensor (0 - 4095,
"bottom_dist_right": data.bottom[0], # distance measure is non-linear)
"bottom_dist_center": data.bottom[1],
[docs]def dock_ir_parse(dock_ir):
return {
"ir_near_left": bool(dock_ir.NEAR_LEFT),
"ir_near_center": bool(dock_ir.NEAR_CENTER),
"ir_near_right": bool(dock_ir.NEAR_RIGHT),
"ir_far_left": bool(dock_ir.FAR_LEFT),
"ir_far_center": bool(dock_ir.FAR_CENTER),
"ir_far_right": bool(dock_ir.FAR_RIGHT),
[docs]def imu_parse(data):
covar = [data.orientation_covariance,
covar = [np.asarray(cov).reshape(3,3).tolist() for cov in covar]
return {
"orient_x": data.orientation.x,
"orient_y": data.orientation.y,
"orient_z": data.orientation.z,
"orient_w": data.orientation.w,
"orient_covar": covar[0],
"ang_vel_x": data.angular_velocity.x,
"ang_vel_y": data.angular_velocity.y,
"ang_vel_z": data.angular_velocity.z,
"ang_vel_covar": covar[1],
"lin_accel_x": data.linear_acceleration.x,
"lin_accel_y": data.linear_acceleration.y,
"lin_accel_z": data.linear_acceleration.z,
"lin_accel_covar": covar[2],
[docs]def get_next_pow2(number):
""" Gets the next highest power of two for number
return 2**int(math.ceil(math.log(number, 2)))