Source code for greedy_gq

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Module containing the GreedyGQ algorithm.

Also supports prioritized and uniform experience replay

    Shibhansh Dohare, Niko Yasui.

from __future__ import division

import pickle
import random

import numpy as np
import rospy

import tools

[docs]class GreedyGQ: """An implementation of GreedyGQ learning algoritm. Implementation on greedy_gq based on and prioritized experience replay based on Doesn't update some paramenters when we are replaying experience (either uniform or prioritized). Attributes: action_space (numpy array of action): Numpy array containing all actions available to any agent. finished_episode (fun): Function that evaluates if an episode has been finished or not. num_features (int): The number of features in the state-action representation. alpha (float): Primary learning rate. beta (float): Secondary learning rate lmbda (float): Trace decay rate. Note: A copy of phi is created during the construction process. """ def __init__(self, action_space, finished_episode, num_features, alpha, beta, lmbda, decay=False, **kwargs): self.lmbda = lmbda self.alpha = tools.decay(alpha) if decay else tools.constant(alpha) self.beta = tools.decay(beta) if decay else tools.constant(beta) self.num_features = num_features self.action_space = action_space self.finished_episode = finished_episode # learning self.theta = np.zeros(num_features) self.sec_weights = np.zeros(num_features) self.e = np.zeros(num_features) self.last_gamma = 0 self.action_phi = np.zeros(num_features) # measuring performance self.timeStep = 0 self.average_td_error = 0 self.average_td_errors = [0] = 0 self.num_episodes = 0 self.tderr_elig = np.zeros(num_features) # prioritized experience replay # list is maintained in the reverse order of td_error self.worst_experiences = [] self.num_experiences = 0 # helper self.get_state_action = tools.action_state_rep(action_space) self.episode_finished_last_step = False
[docs] def predict(self, phi, action): """Builds the action state reperesentaiton and multiplies by theta. Args: phi (numpy array of bool): Boolean feature vector. action (action): Action that was taken. """ if action is not None: q =, action), self.theta) else: # get average value of actions def get_a_phi(actn): return self.get_state_action(phi, actn) dot_fun = np.vectorize(lambda a:, self.theta)) q = np.mean(dot_fun(self.action_space)) return q
[docs] def update(self, phi, last_action, phi_prime, cumulant, gamma, rho, replaying_experience=False, **kwargs): """Updates the parameters (weights) of the greedy_gq learner. Doesn't update some paramenters when we are replaying experience (either uniform or prioritized). Parameters: phi (numpy array of bool): State at time t. last_action (action): Action at time t. phi_prime (numpy array of bool): State at time t+1. cumulant (float): Cumulant at time t. gamma (float): Discounting factor at time t+1. rho (float): Off policy importance sampling ratio at time t. replaying_experience (bool): True if replaying an experience, false if gathering a new experience from the environment. Returns: self.action_phi (numpy array of bool): Representation for the state-action pair at time t. Only used to calculate RUPEE. """ if replaying_experience is False: # To make sure we don't update anything between the last # termination state and the new start state # i.e. Skip one learning step if self.episode_finished_last_step: self.episode_finished_last_step = False return self.action_phi new_experience = {'phi': phi, 'last_action': last_action, 'phi_prime': phi_prime, 'cumulant': cumulant, 'gamma': gamma, 'rho': rho, 'id': self.num_experiences } self.num_experiences += 1 self.action_phi = self.get_state_action(phi, last_action) action_phi_primes = { temp_action: self.get_state_action(phi_prime, temp_action) for temp_action in self.action_space} action_phis = { temp_action: self.get_state_action(phi, temp_action) for temp_action in self.action_space} # A_{t+1} update next_greedy_action = last_action for temp_action in self.action_space: if, action_phi_primes[temp_action]) >= self.theta, action_phi_primes[next_greedy_action]): next_greedy_action = temp_action # action_phi_bar update action_phi_bar = action_phi_primes[next_greedy_action] # delta_t update = cumulant + gamma *, action_phi_bar) - self.theta, self.action_phi) previous_greedy_action = last_action for temp_action in self.action_space: if, action_phis[temp_action]) >= self.theta, action_phis[previous_greedy_action]): previous_greedy_action = temp_action if np.count_nonzero(self.theta) == 0: rospy.logwarn('self.theta in greedy_gq is zero') if np.count_nonzero(self.action_phi) == 0: rospy.logwarn('self.action_phi in greedy_gq is zero') # e_t update self.e *= self.last_gamma * self.lmbda * rho self.e += self.action_phi # (phi_t) if np.count_nonzero(self.e) == 0: rospy.logwarn('self.e in greedy_gq is zero') # theta_t update self.theta += * ( * self.e - self.last_gamma * (1 - self.lmbda) *, self.action_phi) * action_phi_bar) # w_t update self.sec_weights += * \ ( * self.e -, self.action_phi) * self.action_phi) # for calculating RUPEE self.tderr_elig = * self.e # save gamma self.last_gamma = gamma if replaying_experience is False: new_experience['td_error'] = abs( self.worst_experiences.append(new_experience) # saving the average abs(td_error) of last 1000 time steps self.timeStep = self.timeStep + 1 if len(self.average_td_errors) >= 1000: self.average_td_error += (abs( - abs( self.average_td_errors[-1000])) / 1000 else: self.average_td_error += (abs( - abs( self.average_td_error)) / self.timeStep self.average_td_errors.append(self.average_td_error) if self.timeStep % 100 == 0: with open('average_td_errors', 'w') as f: pickle.dump(self.average_td_errors, f) if self.finished_episode(cumulant): rospy.loginfo('Episode finished') self.episode_finished_last_step = True self.num_episodes += 1 self.e = np.zeros(self.num_features) # returing to make sure self.action_phi is used in RUPEE calculation return self.action_phi
[docs] def uniform_experience_replay(self, *args, **kwargs): """Replays experiences from saved memory. Replays ``num_updates_to_make`` experiences. ``self.worst_experiences`` stores the most recent 100 experiences. """ if self.num_experiences < 1: return random_indices = [] num_updates_to_make = 10 # to avoide memory overflow self.worst_experiences = self.worst_experiences[-100:] try: random_indices = random.sample( range(0, len(self.worst_experiences) - 1), num_updates_to_make) except: pass for experience_index in random_indices: temp_experience = self.worst_experiences[experience_index] replayed_experience_location_in_sorted_list = experience_index self.update(phi=temp_experience['phi'], last_action=temp_experience['last_action'], phi_prime=temp_experience['phi_prime'], cumulant=temp_experience['cumulant'], gamma=temp_experience['gamma'], rho=temp_experience['rho'], replaying_experience=True, experience_id=temp_experience['id']) # the new_experience is put back in the array, in the update # function itself self.worst_experiences[ replayed_experience_location_in_sorted_list]['td_error'] = abs(
[docs] def td_error_prioritized_experience_replay(self, *args, **kwargs): """Replays worst experiences from memory. ``self.worst_experiences`` stores the last 100 experiences. The ``num_updates_to_make`` experiences with the highest TD error are chosen for replay. """ self.worst_experiences = sorted(self.worst_experiences, key=lambda k: k['td_error'], reverse=True)[:100] if self.num_experiences < 1: return num_updates_to_make = 10 for i in range(min(num_updates_to_make, len(self.worst_experiences))): # No need to do importance_sampling_correction as we are already # doing off-policy learning # pop the next worst experience, prioritized by td_error temp_experience = self.worst_experiences[i] # print self.worst_experiences[i]['td_error'], 'experience id: # ', temp_experience['id'] replayed_experience_location_in_sorted_list = i self.update(phi=temp_experience['phi'], last_action=temp_experience['last_action'], phi_prime=temp_experience['phi_prime'], cumulant=temp_experience['cumulant'], gamma=temp_experience['gamma'], rho=temp_experience['rho'], replaying_experience=True, experience_id=temp_experience['id']) # the new_experience is put back in the heap, in the update # function itself self.worst_experiences[ replayed_experience_location_in_sorted_list]['td_error'] = abs(