Source code for evaluator

"""Collects measurements of an agent's performance.

    Banafsheh Rafiee, Niko Yasui
import numpy as np

[docs]class Evaluator: """Collects measurements of an agent's performance Args: gvf_name (str): Name of the GVF used for plotting. num_features (int): Total number of features in the representation. alpha_rupee (float): Primary learning rate for RUPEE. beta0_rupee (float): Initial averaging weight for RUPEE. use_MSRE (bool): Calculate Mean Squared Return Error. """ def __init__(self, gvf_name, num_features, alpha_rupee, beta0_rupee, use_MSRE): MAX_TIME_STEPS = 1000000 # load the state representation and actual return for sample states if use_MSRE: data = np.load("actual_return_" + gvf_name + ".npz") self.samples_phi = data["samples"] self.samples_G = data["_return"] self.sample_size = data["sample_size"] # # initialize the preformance measures self.MSRE = 0.0 self.MSRE_over_time = np.zeros(MAX_TIME_STEPS) self.td_error = 0.0 self.avg_td_error = 0.0 self.mean_rho = 0.0 self.mean_squared_rho = 0.0 self.ESS = 0.0 self.use_MSRE = use_MSRE # See Adam White's PhD Thesis, section 8.4.2 self.alpha_rupee = alpha_rupee self.beta0_rupee = beta0_rupee self.tau_rupee = 0.0 self.hhat = np.zeros(num_features) self.td_elig_avg = np.zeros(num_features) self.rupee = 0.0
[docs] def update(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.use_MSRE: self.compute_MSRE(*args, **kwargs) self.compute_avg_td_error(*args, **kwargs) self.compute_rupee(*args, **kwargs) self.compute_IS_ess(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def compute_MSRE(self, theta, time_step, *args, **kwargs): return_error = 0.0 for i, phi in enumerate(self.samples_phi): estimated_value =, phi) return_error = return_error + (estimated_value - self.samples_G[ i]) * (estimated_value - self.samples_G[i]) MSRE = np.sqrt(return_error / self.sample_size) self.MSRE = MSRE self.MSRE_over_time[time_step] = MSRE if time_step % 10 == 0.0: np.savez("MSRE_over_time.npz", MSRE=self.MSRE_over_time, time_step=time_step)
[docs] def compute_rupee(self, tderr_elig, phi, *args, **kwargs): # update RUPEE # add condition to change for control gvf self.hhat += self.alpha_rupee * (tderr_elig - np.inner(self.hhat, phi) * phi) self.tau_rupee *= 1 - self.beta0_rupee self.tau_rupee += self.beta0_rupee beta_rupee = self.beta0_rupee / self.tau_rupee self.td_elig_avg *= 1 - beta_rupee self.td_elig_avg += beta_rupee * tderr_elig self.rupee = np.sqrt( np.absolute(np.inner(self.hhat, self.td_elig_avg)))
[docs] def compute_avg_td_error(self, delta, time_step, *args, **kwargs): self.avg_td_error += (delta - self.avg_td_error) / (time_step + 1) self.td_error = delta
[docs] def compute_IS_ess(self, rho, time_step, *args, **kwargs): if time_step != 0: self.mean_rho += (rho - self.mean_rho) / time_step self.mean_squared_rho += ((rho**2 - self.mean_squared_rho) / time_step) self.ESS = time_step * self.mean_rho**2 / self.mean_squared_rho