Source code for action_manager

"""Module to send actions to the turtlebot.

    Shibhansh Dohare, Banafsheh Rafiee, Parash Rahman, Niko Yasui.

import rospy
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist, Vector3
from std_msgs.msg import Bool

from tools import topic_format

[docs]class ActionManager(): """Class that communicates directly with the turtlebot. Attributes: action (action): The action to send to the turtlebot. base_state: The current reading from the turtlebot's 'core' topic. Contains bump information. termination_flag (bool): Quit if this is true. pause_flag (bool): Stop sending actions if this is true. stop_once (bool): Send one stop action and resume sending ``action``. """ def __init__(self): self.STOP_ACTION = Twist(Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3(0, 0, 0)) self.action = Twist(Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3(0, 0, 0)) self.base_state = None rospy.Subscriber("/mobile_base/sensors/core", topic_format["/mobile_base/sensors/core"], self.update_base_state) self.termination_flag = False self.pause_flag = False self.stop_once = False
[docs] def update_base_state(self, val): """Set ``action`` to ``STOP_ACTION`` if the bumper is on.""" self.base_state = val if self.action.linear.x and self.base_state.bumper: self.action = self.STOP_ACTION
[docs] def set_termination_flag(self, termination_flag): self.termination_flag = termination_flag
[docs] def set_pause_flag(self, pause_flag): self.pause_flag =
[docs] def update_action(self, action_cmd): """Don't go forward if bumping and wait before going forward after turning. """ if action_cmd.linear.x and self.base_state.bumper: self.action = self.STOP_ACTION elif action_cmd.linear.x and self.action.angular.z: self.stop_once = True self.action = action_cmd else: self.action = action_cmd
[docs] def run(self): """Send an action at a 40Hz cycle.""" rospy.init_node('action_manager', anonymous=True) rospy.Subscriber('action_cmd', Twist, self.update_action) rospy.Subscriber('termination', Bool, self.set_termination_flag) rospy.Subscriber('pause', Bool, self.set_pause_flag) action_publisher = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel_mux/input/teleop', Twist, queue_size=1) action_pub_rate = rospy.Rate(40) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if self.termination_flag: break if self.pause_flag is False: # log action speeds = (self.action.linear.x, self.action.angular.z) actn = "linear: {}, angular: {}".format(*speeds) rospy.logdebug("Sending action to Turtlebot: {}".format(actn)) # send new actions if self.stop_once: action_publisher.publish(self.STOP_ACTION) self.stop_once = False else: action_publisher.publish(self.action) action_pub_rate.sleep()
[docs]def start_action_manager(): """Runs the action manager""" try: action_manager = ActionManager() except rospy.ROSInterruptException as detail: rospy.loginfo("Handling: {}".format(detail))